Thursday, March 03, 2011

Blog Inertia

It happens to us all, sometimes. Life gets in the way of blogging. And as the days go by, it gets harder to sit at the computer, find those photos, knuckle down and write something (anything!) before it all gets away from you and you’re overcome with blog inertia.

I'm badly afflicted, I'm afraid. I'm told the only chance for a cure is to sit down and get blogging. So here goes...

Christmas: At home. Quiet. Hot. Prawns. Kids had a ball.

The in-between week- down to Donnybrook for lunch with friends, and their awesome view
Smoke from the coastal firesdonnybrook view 2 
Can you spot the elusive menfolk?donnybrook view

New Year: Hot. Caught up with some sheepdog friends, played with some young dogs, drank some beer!

Summer rain: Not as much as Carnarvon or Queensland (thank God!), but enough to fill the dams, soak the garden and grow some weeds.
An inch in a few hoursP1380977 P1380981 P1380993

The artichokes flowered. 
The first corn was delicious (and now we're well sick of it). 

The grapes on the back verandah ripened, attracting bees, birds, and unfortunately for the birds, Robin.

The Ginger Biscuit turned ONE! And grew teeth, learned to walk, and climb, and boss the boys around. There's a lot I have to say about the end of my baby days, but I keep getting snot and tears all over the keyboard, so that may have to wait...

Secret visited:
And Bill was just so happy about that!
We played a bit of soccer.
  We played a bit of cricket, and taught the pups to field.
Farmboy, nearly run out by Wilson, lunges valiantly for his crease... or something like that.

 On the farm, we've been feeding sheep. 
Then feeding them again. 
The rams went out, then the rams came back in, a bit scraggier but much, much happier.
Bill, being recalled after holding sheep off the feeder bin
Some of us been driving around in tractors.
We've been running dogs, and checking dams. 
Tom, Charlie with ever-present nose slobber, Fred
We've been up to the city, then back home, then back to the city, then home, then to the city again. At various points in our travels, we've explored the underwater world
we've watched Australia Day fireworks in the city, 
we've helped Grouch in the garden, 
Less Ginger, more Shirley Temple these days
we've acquired a swimming pool.

And then we came home.
The Fred-Queani pups turned from quiet, sweet little cuddlebunnies into long-legged Attack Rabbits of Death. Their names are Kevin and Mabel. 
Jeff (formerly Wilson), Kevin and Mabel

I went back to work. The Farmboy started kindergarten.

The WAWSDA trialling season began with a bang.

And now, finally, we've sat down and blogged. Phew.
It won't be so long between drinks next time.
Rex gives you his word!

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