Saturday, January 07, 2006

Muddy's tumour

Muddy has developed a nasty black and white tumour, that comes and goes around his neck and face area... we've been told these tend to grow progressively larger and more aggressive, but there's a chance it will just drop off and go away. Fingers crossed...

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Fly- Farm Dog

Fly, poor baby, subjected to farm dog conditions... an old cattle crate as a playpen, red dirt through her fur... at least she has Muddy for company!

More of Flybaby

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Fly and the "big girls"- she might be 1/4 their size, but Fly doesn't take any gyp from Sally and Bella ("the b!#ches in heat"). Everyone is fair game for a wrestle, and Fly can leap through the "dog door" hole in the wall and up and down the back steps with the rest of the pack, despite my best efforts to stop her.