I've been hitting Murtagh, cramming on hypertension and girly bits and rashes, in a feeble attempt to ease the sheer terror of having to see my first patients on my own next Monday. Its not really working. I feel like I have a huge exam coming up, and have done absolutely no study.
I am also inexplicably excited about the State Agility trial this weekend. Dunno why. I've done absolutely no practice for it, so as far as I know my dogs are still completely untrained, but then I'm not expecting to do well. I'm even hoping we don't- the last thing I want is for my boys to progress towards Excellent, its much more fun here in Novice. A repeat of our Western Classic runs would be lovely, fast, fun, enthusiastic dogs, with one minor hiccup here and there, and Diva winning stuff ;)
At the WC Michelle and someone else (?Jules) were talking about how much more fun agility was back in the days of our first Novice dog. No expectations, no involvement in the politics or competitiveness of the higher levels, just out there having fun with our dog and hoping, maybe, for a clear round once or twice.
I guess I'm back there now, and it really is fun. It doesn't have the terror factor of sheepdog trialling (I'm pretty sure no-one will die in the agility ring, and there is no equivalent "walk of shame"), yet I'm still a nobody, with no pressure on me or the dogs. No-one stops to watch our runs, we have no chance of being in the prizes, and I don't care if we mess up. Its just a fun weekend away with the boys.
Its stubble burning time- cropping is on its way. R has buggered his knee climbing in + out of the ute. The air is heavy with smoke and the evenings are a spectacle of glowing treestumps against blackened paddocks and violet skies with a burgundy sun. I should get out the camera.
Here's the kelpie pups (mum Sally is Capree bred, dad is Badgingarra Jake):
Blue (the boy), Betty, Bindi and Buggles (I think...)