Monday, January 10, 2011

I don't really want to talk about it...

Let's just say the Ginger Bikkie turned one- she's now a walking, kind-of-talking, grown up girl- and I'm a little bit sad that I no longer have a little baby...

But overall our gorgeous girl's first year is something to celebrate, and we did. We had a nice weekend with my family in Perth, visited AQWA for the first time.
Farmboy, not smiling at the crocodile
If you look closely, you can see Nemo
Port Jackson shark, ready to nibble some fingers

"Pirate ship!"
Yes, it's me, in a photo

Merry-go-rounds too!

And then the lucky little duck came home to another little party and a new round of cake and cuddles with R's parents.
"Spoiled? Me? Never!"

Happy Birthday, Bikkie!

Sunday, January 02, 2011

New Year’s Day

At the Atherton’s. Nice people, nice dogs (and Bill came along too), a drink or two and a sad little collapse into bed at half past ten with the kiddies.
One of Phil Doherty’s young dogs- Ramulam Don x Ramulam Jenpetes dog
Sam Lloyd and Kumbark Yindi (Badgingarra Bobby x Christies Driftz)P1380648
Ramulam Gus (Boylee Doug x Branga Spec)P1380672
 Mac’s Boss and Ollie (Badgingarra Jake x Daheim Queani)boss ollie
The Jake/Queani boys are starting to grow up a little- Boss is the most serious, still the most like his mum and a bit softish, while Ollie is just a great big sweet pup who has some growing up to do. Boss will stay here, Ollie will probably be looking for a new home soon.
Boylee Copper (Boylee Tobie x Boylee Speck)copper 2
Copper was an unexpected Christmas gift, and if things work out he might be my new trial prospect. His first time on sheep looked okay- I just need to work out how to catch him!
An up and coming Ramulam kelpie pup  P1380637
Pete Doherty’s newest additionP1380657An Olboa Ben x Jandoree Molly pupP1380656P1380675
Sooty is an up and comer too- not sure where she’s coming up to or from, but she’s too cute to careP1380676
Pavlova and fruit- Aussie kid fuel!P1380630   
    Looking forward to a fabulous New Year!P1380688 P1380734
 And a good solid nap…andrew gbP1380755