Sunday, December 16, 2012

Mayanup Christmas Bash… sorry, AGM

To avoid my recently habitual sin of plastering Facebook with my photos, I’m going to use my blog for its original intended purpose: on-line diary and photo repository. Yesterday was an enjoyable day of sheepdog political biffo discussion, followed by a few hours of messing around with young dogs, followed by the consumption of very tasty food and booze and exchange of gifts. It was a nice intermission to our final week of harvesting.

Photos of Dogs!

Yvonne Haynes’ Tarntarn w

Pete Doherty’s young dogdog sits 2 w
Pete demonstrating some tips from a Greg Prince school.pete 1 w

An unidentified kelpiedog fencew
An unidentified collie dog
Our Zen’s litter sister (Sadie?)sadiegus merle 1 w

Ken Atherton working a young kelpie ken 1 wken 2 wkelpie 1 wkelpie 2 wkelpie 4 ww
Kriszty Cumming’s Rosi
And Shimmer
Another unidentified kelpie dog 2 wdog 3 wdog 4dog 5 wdog 6 w

Photos of Kids!

The Littlest Sheepdog Trialler (Hayden and Shelby’s babe). I couldn’t hold him, he made my ovaries hurt so much I wanted to cry. baby ww
My beautiful boyfb ww My scruffy but also beautiful girlgb wwMy two beautiful children! kids 1 wwkids 2 ww
“Plaster THIS all over Facebook!”fb face 1 wkids car 1 wkids car 2 wkids car 3 w
Almost, face 1 w

Photos of Dogs who think they’re Kids!

Totally thrilled about coming to stay with us while their “parents” flit about overseas getting married and what-have-you:
Ink (“I had my bridesmaid’s dress all picked out!”)Rosi

Photos, Photos, Photos!

Oh, playing with cameras! Endless fun! One of the benefits of using only manual lenses is that it really makes me think about every single thing I’m doing, dredging up memories of those Year 9 Media classes (Oh, Mrs McMahon! Where are you when I need you?!) and requiring entirely new levels of concentration, short term memory and occasionally even creativity. The joy of digital photography is that my many, many total failures can be instantly deleted to make way for… well, more total failures.
Here’s a beer bottle on a fence. I took a lot of photos of this, trying to some sort of balanced exposure of the bright sky, the darkly shaded fence and the colour of the stubby holder, and maybe even to work out the whole white balance mystery. Not successful, but I liked this one. beer bottle 1 w
“You left the aperture wide open AGAIN?! Sheesh, Mum!”fb tractor ww

“Please tell me she’s not hoping to correct this with post-processing…”gb face2 ww