Friday, September 16, 2005


What was I THINKING??!! In some last-minute panic attack last week, I actually entered Muddy in the Agility Nationals, held on the 15th/16th October... despite the fact he is totally unable to weave, and in fact has no defined contact behaviour, and generally misses most contacts. Oh yes, he also is a pretty lousy jumper, and will run under jumps if he misjudges them and can't easily clear them. Also I'm not totally sure he will do a closed tunnel/chute- he hasn't got much experience with them. So I guess they should just engrave our names on those trophies right now...

We have about 3 weeks to do some very rapid remedial training- so far its twice daily weaving practice, and I guess I will have to add some jump chutes and maybe the odd contact training session. Easy!!!

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