Monday, February 27, 2006

All grown up!

Oh, the babies are all grown up, real big dogs now. And they all have new homes to go to in the next couple of weeks, possibly with one exception (can we part with them all?)

There's the little dark marked girl, living large, and look! A blue eye!

A Complicated Boy

The many faces of Riana Lethal, all of them dangerously good looking. Pensive, goofy, loving and laidback, intense... but what is going on in his big handsome mixed up head? He's like a canine Colin Farrell.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Thanks, Subi Vet

Yesterday I had one of the worst days of my life, in many ways. I just cannot catalogue how horrible life has been recently.

Then to top it all off, on Sunday night I was grooming my much neglect little Joycat, and found a couple of wounds, healing but with yucky stuff caked around, looked like an abscess had burst in at least one place. There was another little scab lower down, over her lower rib cage, and I thought I could feel a large lump underneath (its kind of hard, because she's small and quite fluffy). It seemed painful, and she's lost some weight recently, and suddenly my brain went haywire with worst-case-scenarios.

Took her into the vet in the afternoon, and the vet listened to my histrionics, sympathised, and had a good look at the cat, gently and thoroughly... and then explained to me that she thought the scratches were minor, probably a fight, were healing well, and she could see what I was concerned about, but (and somehow she didn't make me feel like a total idiot) she thought it was a floating rib.

And then- she didn't charge me. With my current financial situation, that was a Godsend.
Thankyou, Subiaco Vet.

(I'd like to add, this was not a first off- Greg also looked at Muddy's infected sutures after the akita attack and advised me on management, a full and standard consultation from my point of view, and again didn't charge, even though his practice had not seen Muddy in relation to that injury)

Saturday, February 18, 2006

It’s a famous day, this one
Beloved of pop song writers and occasional maudlin poets
It dawns like any other, but then again
And I suppose will only have one closing

Stillbirth (how incongruous- if ever a moment lurched violently across the times, from past bliss and hope to futures blown to another dimension- this birth was never still)
Or more correctly termination, abortion at its most awful
two paths diverging not by accident or in the grasp of Fate
but by my choice
on balance of weights and common sense and other cruelties

I wonder if my paw paw tree would choose to stand alone as she does
and flower proudly, without doubt the lushest leafiest tree in this garden
quite the talking point
but always without the burden of fruit

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Pups- details *updated*

A bit more about the pups:

Dad is Fred, all round nice guy and open utility trialling dog. His updated pedigree attached.

Mum is Daheim Queenie (El Shamah Max x Gibsons Brook), very sweet girl, gets along with everyone, biddable and honest, very calm and steady on her sheep, with a good wide cast. When she's returned to the workforce from motherhood, she'll be trialling as well as working on the farm. Full pedigree pending.

The pups are all black and white (boring or classic, depending on your thoughts), should be short coated and maybe prick eared- oh, and the odd blue eye! 2 or 3 still available.

Dad (Fred):

Mum (Queenie):

New Pups- growing up

Initially- little black and white blobs, with horizontal ears and potato bodies...

and now almost little dogs (albeit still slightly potato shaped)

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More shearing pics

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Shearing pics

A few more shearing photos- Richard is getting pretty good with this new camera, which is good, because after Billy chewed up the spare SD card, we don’t have as much room for rubbish photos.

Boylee Fred (tricolour BC), canine superhero and all round nice guy
Charles McGuire Esquire (aka Yarralonga Charlie, more correctly known as “Charlie you b@#$%^!”) the red and tan kelpie
Jessie- lop eared black and tan kelpie
Sam- a visiting kelpie with a dash of huntaway- prick eared black+ tan

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Shearing time

Heat, flies, dust, hard work. Sounds so romantic from my couch up here in Perth.