Monday, September 25, 2006

Sunday, September 24, 2006

The brothers in action: Posted by Picasa
Fly- who can believe she's just a baby still?

Bill, sunshine, sheep- is there a better way to spend a Saturday morning?
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Gus and Tama discuss what to do with this dead lamb carcass: Gus savours victory:

Gus keeps an eye on them: Posted by Picasa
Lethal, and admirers:
Mac's Diva, who used to be Dot, not to be confused with her sisters DiscoDiva, who used to be Daisy, or Squirt, who used to be Jedda, who used to be Diva (RIP)... Posted by Picasa
Look how green it is! Lethal cruises down the paddock, en route to checking and moving a few sheep. Fly (Scottish Hell Demon) and Riana Ltehal:

Muddy and Sally, all dressed up and nowhere to go: Posted by Picasa
Ziggy, down on the farm, enjoys her first run along beside the 4wheeler, and even "helps" move a mob. She's not scared of the bike, and coped just fine with the run.

Bill and Lethal get competitive:
Ziggy in full flight, about to pass her old man, and leave him eating her dust! She's quick for a little tacker...
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