Sunday, October 14, 2012

Messing around with the gee gees

Evenings are getting longer and lighter.

canola edit

Rather than dodging darkness and downpours to dispense food and apply rugs, we can take our time to enjoy messing around with the gee gees.

Horse phobia is apparently not genetic.

fb fence edit

Jarrah is R’s horse.

jarrahfb jarrah

R thinks Blade also belongs to him.


But according to the Ginger Biscuit, Ginger Blade (aka “The Racing Horse”) is her, ALL hers.

And so are all the carrots.

gb carrot

While Toffee has been sort of outgrown, and Dancer is convalescing, Dave is the Farmboy’s steed of choice.

dave edit

But Farmboy has his eye on the newest arrival, Rosie.

fb rosie

She’s Blade’s half-sister and Jarrah’s niece (or something similar- horse pedigrees are still largely beyond me).

Farmboy says she’s going to be his showjumping horse.

rosie 1 edit

I’m told that she’s at the “ugly duckling” stage, and she will grow out of it.

rosie edit

We can only hope.

1 comment:

MTWaggin said...

As always, love the pictures and the stories. The ones of the kids feeding carrots are divine but the last one made me laugh.