Such time wasters! And it's even worse when there's a small child and a camera involved.
Massive puppy photo splurge today, so again apologies to those uninterested. They're almost 7 weeks now, so it won't be long before they're all off to their new homes and we're just left with Gem.
Gem- formerly Squee:
Going back through the photos, I seem to have taken lots of Evie and Dark, and I think that's because they're the two I'm likely to see least of in the future. I miss them just thinking about it!
That's right, Dark (you little poser), you're going away to become a sheepdog
No, I don't think you'll be able to come home for weekends...
But I'm sure you'll have fun!
Dark stalking BabyJ:
Evie in the weeds:
Burying a spare chicken neck where no-one will ever find it:
Hey, Evie!
Evie contemplates her future:
Decides to put her best foot forward:
Hopefully we'll be catching up with Boy and Squig fairly regularly around the trials
And hopefully I'll be wearing shoes when I do catch up with Boy:
You can't hide from destiny, Squig.
Or run from it.
You may have to vent your frustrations at our powerlessness in the hands of Fate on the black plastic instead.
They have really started to turn into little dogs now, in full control of their bodies (most of the time) and their mouths.
Evie and Gem on the move:
Up and down the steps:
Evie and Boy:
Dark (and yes, those are arum lilies, and yes, they really need to go):
Dark has words with Squig:
Squig, something tells me Dark hasn't finished that conversation:
Evie pounding Boy:
I asked BabyJ what the puppies in this photo were doing, and he said "Give a kiss":
Squig to Boy: "Come here and I'll give you a kiss!"
Squig vents her frustrations on a sibling:
The octopus is also taking a thrashing:
Evie thinks about making it a 3 way tug with Squig and I think Boy:
Dark joins in too:
Gem gets in on the action:
Evie, Boy and Gem:
5 way tug- I think Gem emerged the winner!
BabyJ will probably miss them heaps.
No-one to help him with his dogwalk performance...
Squig: "Not like that!"
"Out of my way!"
No-one to help him stretch his jumper sleeves...
Good job, Evie!
No-one to jump all over him, scratch him and chew up his toys...
Maybe he will be pleased to see the backs of them!
WONDERFUL photos Sam! Their personalities are just shining out..the very best of luck to all the pups in their new homes, I know they will all be great!
Ooooooooh, wonderful, shame they grown up, pups and children!!!
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