Saturday, December 20, 2008

Click goes the Certified Fibre Removal Apparatus...

This cracks me up:

I'm Derrick Spangler, a Certified Fiber Removal Specialist for Sheep, Alpacas, and Llamas.

Maybe he's got a great sense of humour, or maybe that's what they're calling it in Floyd, Virginia, these days.

Either way, that's great! I guess I'd have some concerns if BabyJ wanted to grow up to be a common-or-garden shearer, but a "Certified Fibre Removal Specialist"... well, that's something special. Next time we're down at the Warrie shop at Mount Barker (which has some of the best farm-wear ever, by the way) I might see if I can get some singlets made up with that slogan. And maybe I can get R a couple of pairs of those black shearing jeans while we're there...

1 comment:

Derrick M Spangler said...

It's a sense of humor thing, and it sounds good too ;) Glad to hear it made someone smile!


Derrick "Certified Fiber Removal Specialist" Spangler